Wednesday 6 March 2013

Make Your Own Embellishments

Hiya There... Debbie here
Today to share is a little Tutorial.
I know we all like to use embellishments on our cards and there are some beautiful ones available to buy, but I get more satisfaction when I make my own.
I feel then the card is totally 'Handmade' with Love.
Here Im showing you how I made the frames and corners I keep being asked about and they are ever so easy.
There are LOTS of different Air Dry Clays on the market. This one Im using at the moment is a Martha Stewart one. There are different colours available but I mainly use white but also have Blue, Red,Brown and Yellow as they are the main mixing colours.
Using a little bit of clay, roll into a sausage and spread evenly around the mould, pressing firmly so that the pattern engraves in the clay.
Once all covered make sure none is overlapping the edges.
I then pop straight out and make another. I must admit the first time I did this I was scared I would spoil the frame as it wasnt set, but the moulds are so flexible it just popped out.Leave on a flat surface and allow to dry.
Then once you have become more brave try mixing. Here I used a tiny ball of red to make Pink
I even attempted a flower and attempted two colours in one mould.

 I always spend hours making embellishments and flowers, then they are just at hand for your projects

Once finished and set, which can take a few hours I then paint. I usually end up painting white anyway, but they do look nice with a different colour showing through.
Hope you liked this tutorial.
I also have more Tutorials on my blog HERE under the Tutorial Tab
Thanks so much for looking
Big Hugs